Why I Was Hesitant to Use Argon Gas - And Why I’ll Never Go Without It Again

Why I Was Hesitant to Use Argon Gas - And Why I’ll Never Go Without It Again

I get asked a lot if you need Argon to apply permanent jewelry. You don't. In fact, the first six months I offered Permanent Jewelry, I was too intimidated to use argon and after hearing so many mixed reviews on Argon, I decided not to bother with it. Until I did. And it was life changing. :) 

If you're not familiar with Argon, it's an inert gas meaning non-flammable. It's essentially a shielding gas. As your electrode touches your jump ring, a little puff of argon will be emitted, shielding your jump ring creating a seamless weld. The benefits aren't just visible to the eye either. With Argon the inside of your jump ring becomes less porous and brittle creating a stronger weld. 

I had originally purchased an argon tank and regulator but was so convinced I wouldn’t use it that I returned the regulator. Eventually, curiosity got the best of me, and I reordered it. With a little help from my husband, I set everything up, and to my surprise, it was way easier than I expected.

If you're feeling hesitant like I was, let me break it down for you. The setup is simple:

  • The gauge on the right of your regulator shows how much argon is in the tank.
  • The gauge on the left displays the pressure in your line/how much argon will be released. 

Why Argon Gas Is a Game Changer

While you can offer permanent jewelry without argon, here are some benefits you can experience while using it:

  • Stronger Welds: Argon helps create less brittle, more durable connections.
  • Seamless Finish: Your welds will look cleaner and more polished.
  • Minimal Firescale: With argon, it wipes away easily and sometimes there's none at all!

If you're on the fence about using argon, I highly recommend giving it a try. I promise it's not as intimidating as it seems. 

You can shop our Argon Mini Tanks and Regulator at AGJewelrySupplyCo.com. 

Here's a short and sweet video showing you how to set it up. 


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